This page wouldn't have been possible with out the help of many others.
kinokuniya.com and ebay.com, for supplying me with CDs.
Haruka & Setsuna Kou for helping me translate interviews and roles.
Mai-yeng Tran for giving me 18 sound clips from the Shiritsu Justice Gakuen game.
Ijuuin's Villa for helping me with the CD list.
tokicd.heha.net for giving me almost every ISBN I needed for the CD list.
Noppo Database and Rei Ijuuin Page for helping me with roles.
Shinobi Chirlind-Byouko for translating songs for me.
Geoffrey Pearson for transliterating Tsunoda's first fanmail address.
Star of Creation and Hitoshi Doi for giving me the idea to create my own page for Tsunoda Narumi, since niether page has much information on her, no matter how many times I e-mail them to give them information.
As you can see, like my other pages, all this page is is a collection of information that can already be found on the net. The only difference is that it is translated and organized. I couldn't have done it with out you guys.