Star Maker's Costume Design - Bottom
Differences between the costume for Star Maker in the anime and manga.

Anime Picture Information Manga Picture
Star Maker's Back - Anime
The backs of the costumes are pretty much the same. The only real difference is that Star Maker's shorts seem to be more tight fitting in the anime than manga. And (though not shown well in these pictures) Star Maker's boots come up slightly higher in the anime than the manga.
Star Maker's Back - Manga
Star Maker's Criss-Cross - Anime
There is a small criss-cross of material with a star in the middle that covers her belly-button. In the anime it's spread out a bit more and is often drawn without the little studs on it (sometimes it is drawn with studs). In the manga, it's pressed more together, always drawn with studs, and is often drawn in different shades of purple ranging from dark purple to nearly pink.
Star Maker's Criss-Cross - Manga
Star Maker's Boots - Anime
Star Maker's boots are pretty much the same in anime and manga. The heels are slightly higher in the manga and Naoko says they have "spiked heels."
Star Maker's Boots - Manga
Star Maker's Shorts - Anime
Naoko has called Star Maker's shorts "Hot pants." There are the same back and front. The only real difference, as I have said before, is that they are tighter fitting in the anime than in the manga.
Star Maker's Shorts - Manga
No Imgae
There's another thing I'd like to add. Naoko says "The costume material [for the Starlights] is enamel."
Naoko's Handwriting - Manga