Neptune Sailor Senshi Reviews Look - Hmm... I like the general feel of the site, but I have to say that the look doesn't exactly jump out at me. While I realize that this is more of a content-oriented site, it wouldn't really hurt to make the site look nicer. There's nothing exactly wrong with it... I just think it could look nicer. I don't think it has quite the "oomph" of other sites. You might want to consider - if you don't want to make your own layout or you don't know how - going to a layout site like Venus' Sea Goddess Graphics or Mercury's Aki Hoshi Designs both of which are very good sources. It might be more work than you want to do, but I think it'd make your site look a whole lot better. (8.2/10) Organization - I like how you did this! Everything was really easy to find, but I do have a few suggestions. First, you need back buttons! That shouldn't really need much explanation. Second, it might help to make a site map, since you have so much on the site. It'd be a good idea. (8.5/10) Content - I'd have to say that this is the strongest aspect of your site, and that's not very common. ^.^ Very few people show a personal side to their character shrines and I love what you've done. The foreword was very heartfelt, and I read the letter to Nagareboshi He, [sniffle], which I thought was very sweet. Showing your viewers such an intimate side of your personality really brings the content to a whole new level. The anime section... Introduction... Blah, stats... Oooh... Very good in-depth analysis! The best kind! You really put some thought into this. I never really paid much attention to Taiki, but I will from now on! The other stuff is just boring storyline information. But I LOVE "Taiki, Up Close and Personal"! The episodes sections's still growing, but there's already a lot here. Very detailed. Even if you didn't write them yourself (kudos for giving credit), it must have been a great effort on your part. The CD list is something new that I haven't seen in character shrines, but it's perfect in this case. Again, very detailed. The lyrics section is also a great idea. The pictures section isn't that easy to navigate through. This really should be under organization, but I thought I should put it here where I got section by section. The long list of JPEG files is really dizzying. Maybe you could fix that up... Take a look at how some other sites do it. Manga... Stats, blah... Story, blah... Translations are a good idea. If I didn't have the books myself I'd definitely ask for them. ^.^ I understand that there's really not a lot you can put here, since the personality stuff really went in the anime section. Lots of pictures. Good. Sera Myu... Oooh, I don't know much about the musicals... Nice intro. Ooh, you have information on the actress. Cool! But how come the anime section doesn't have a seiyuu page?? Hmmm... If I just overlooked it please tell me and I'll stop complaining. ^.^ I didn't really bother to read the "Musical Moments" page because everything's scrunched up on the right. Please fix that. Again, good information on the CDs and lyrics. Wow! Sera Myu pictures aren't that easy to come by. Of course, I've never searched, but I haven't come across that many. Somebody's done her research! Hee hee, cute game section! As with all the other sections, very thoroughly done. Other stuff... Good information on the Kigurumi show. The pictures are adorable. Again, you've done your research! The costume section is cool too. I've seen it before, but not for Star Maker. Mythology I've seen, but this is still interesting. Great information in the FAQ section. You back things up, which, like I keep ranting about, is imperative. You obviously paid attention in English class! The relationships section is a lot fun. I love all of this original material. It's really a good exploration of the character - it shows that you know Taiki and really feel close to her. Akaiko x Taiki is a lovely idea. You're not the first to have a crush on an anime character, but your arguments are logical and fun. Media... lots of files. The links section could use a little more explanation. Where exactly do the links go?? Give a little description of the links. Close to perfect. For all of you reading out there, this is what your sites should be like!!! (24/25) Effort - Wow, a lot of updates! A lot of content! A few typos... ^.^; All in all, a tremendous effort. (4.9/5) Overall - You've hit it on the head! Excellent job. One of the best sites I've ever seen. (49.5/50) Final - A+!! (95.1/100)