Mercury Sailor Senshi Reviews Intro--Sorry this review has taken so long. Hmmm... a second time customer ^.^ Design-- Well, your design is very simple. The loading time was great and only took a few seconds. My only suggestion is that your lighten your header titles to make them easier to read. Thats about it on the design.... good to see back links now ^.^ Content-- You have TONS of content. I've spent a lot of time browsing through everything and I must say I'm impressed. It's hard to find a good shrine or site deticated to the Starlights. I know very little about them, so a site like this is quite a treat. I noticed that in your "Editted Images" that you used fake thumbnails, but in the rest of your galleries you have real ones. I really like the way to compared the anime and manga versions of Starmaker's fuku. I've never seen that done before and never realized the differences were there. I also enjoyed your opinions. Your relationship section was very interesting as well. I found your little speech about love in the "Akaiko X Taiki" section very moving and powerful. It almost made me cry ;_; Nothing really more to say.... I love it! Creativity/Effort-- There is just tons of creativity and effort. I'm very impressed! Grade~| 9/10