What is a moist towelette? No really, what is a moist towelette?
The Merrian Webster Dictionary states
tow·el·ette (tou´e-lèt) noun
A small, usually moistened piece of paper or cloth used for cleansing. |
Ah, but a moist towelette is so much more than that!
Imagine you're digging through your car, when you come across an old box of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Finally realizing where that weird smell was coming from, you open it up to disgard the contents. As you open it, you find one thing untouch by the mold. A plastic wraper containing a spork, napkin, straw, and hinding in the corner, a moist towelette.
Moist towelette's have stood the test of time. You find them every where. At restaurants, the back of your car, one of your drawers at home, in a dumpster, and they're even mentioned in poetry and songs.
It's an American icon. It's part of our heritage. And most of all it shows people even though we're to lazy to use a sink, we'll still keep our hands clean.