An English prison hulk, or converted ship hull, where captured pirates were held. Poop deck The highest deck at the aft end of a large ship. Smaller ships don't have a poop; the highest part aft is the quarterdeck. Port (1) A seaport. (2) The left side of the ship when you are facing toward her prow. Privateer Legalizes pirates. a pirate working for a particular government (often provided with letters of marque to prove this), restricting prey to that of another unfriendly government. |
The "nose" of the ship. Queue A sailor's pigtail, usually tarred. Reef (1) An underwater obstruction of rock or coral which can tear the bottom out of a ship. (2) To reef sails is to shorten them, tying them partially up, either to slow the ship or to keep a strong wind from putting too much strain on the masts. Rope's end Another term for flogging. "Ye'll meet the rope's end for that, me bucko!" |
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