Punishment by dragging under the ship, from one side to the other. The victim of a keelhauling would be half-drowned, or worse, and lacerated by the barnacles that grew beneath the ship. Lad, lass A way to address someone younger than you. Landlubber/Lubber A non-sailor. Letter of Marque Proof that a pirate/privateer is sponsored by a particular government. |
A rope in use as part of the ship's rigging, or as a towing line. When a rope is just coiled up on deck, not yet being used for anything, it's all right to call it a rope. Lookout Someone posted to keep watch on the horizon for other ships or signs of land. Marooned A fairly common punishment for violation of a pirate ship's articles, or offending her crew. The victim was left on a deserted coast (or, of course, an island) with little in the way of supplies. That way, no one could say that the unlucky pirate had actually been killed by his former brethren. |
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