
1) Element name: Magnesium

2) Element symbol: Mg

3) Number of electrons, protons, and neutrons: 12 electron, 12 proton, 12 neutrons

4) Atomic number: 12

5) Atomic mass: 24.305

6) Characteristics:

Magnesium is a silver-white metal and is malleable and ductile when heated. The metal is not attacked by oxygen, water, or alkalis at room temperature; it reacts with acids.

When heated to about 800 °C (about 1472 °F), it reacts with oxygen and emits a brilliant white light.



Magnesium was first isolated by the British chemist Sir Humohry Davy in 1808.

Three things made from the element:

Magnesium chloride is use in:

- as dressing and filler for cotton and woolen fabrics

- paper manufacture

- cements and ceramics

8) Isotopes:

Magnesium occurs in nature as a mixture of three isotopes: magnesium-24 (78.70 percent), magnesium-26 (11.17 percent), and magnesium-25 (10.13 percent).

9) Magnesium forms divalent compounds, chief among which are magnesium carbonate, formed by the reaction of a magnesium salt and sodium carbonate, used as a refractory and sulating material.

10) Magnesium melts at about 649 °C (1200 °F) and boils at about -1107 °C (about 2025 °F).
